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Putting Down Roots – An Intern’s Journey (Wk 24)

From Our Intern…

There’s a new smell in the air. One of wet, green, and alive. It’s funny how I forget this smell each year and it comes to me as a wonderfully pungent surprise. I’m beginning to hear the birds emerging from their frozen dreams, whistling a tune of curiosity and joy. I feel the sunlight cover my skin as I step out into the newly lit morning. I hear the melting slush shift begrudgingly on rooftops, making their plummet to the welcoming ground. I feel the ground absorb my step with forgiveness, as my boot makes a muddy imprint in the desperate grass, longing to awaken and grow. 

Spring is upon us. Slowly, but surely, the earth swings closer to the sun and is enveloped in its welcomed warmth. A few snow flurries fight for their last hurrah, but even they cannot stand against the thawing earth. With spring comes a new season. A season of hope, change, and eagerness. A season which conjures a spirit of enthusiasm and cheer. As citizens of Michigan, we celebrate the perseverance we endured in the months of bitter cold and looming grey. We applaud ourselves for overcoming the gloom which haunted our land, and we look forward to the change that comes with the promising spring.

As we reach a new season in the year, I also reach a new season in life. As it is now publicly known, I have accepted a part-time job at Harmony Garden. My internship ends in just a few short days (Even though there is still so much left to be done!) and March 10 brings a new occupational season and journey. As I will soon leave the office an intern, I will just as soon return as an employee. 

The shift in weather reminds me that time is, in fact, passing, and a new journey is on the rise. I am looking forward to experiencing the fast-approaching spring as a new member of the Harmony Garden team. I have been blessed to have witnessed the fall and winter at Harmony Garden as an intern, and I am extremely curious to see the unknown culture of spring and summer unfold here as well. I cannot wait to discover how the gears turn and the wheels roll all year round as Jaime and the team keep up with the ever-changing seasons of life and the lives of their clients.

With this new season comes a new chapter. It is hard to believe that this page is almost completed and ready to be turned, but it is exhilarating to know that the plot is not even close to complete. There is more story yet to discover. I am not nearly concluded with this tale.

Hannah Avery is our very first Music Therapy Intern here at Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services.
Stay tuned for her blog posts as she goes (and grows) through her music therapy internship.