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Music Therapy Day Program = Creative Connections for Adults with Disabilities

Music Therapy Day Program = Creative Connections for Adults with Disabilities

Our Music Therapy Day Programs are getting a new name – CREATIVE CONNECTIONS!

We have been offering Music Therapy Day Programs for teens and adults with disabilities in Jackson, Michigan for over six years. This program started as an experiment because families were looking for programming that consumed more time than just a one hour music therapy group weekly. Many of the services for people with disabilities significantly decrease as they get to the age of graduating from school age programming. We got creative with a group of families to start what we have been calling our Music Therapy Day Programs.

Creative Connections in Jackson, Michigan

The Creative Connections (formerly Music Therapy Day Program) program is either a 2 or 3 hour group that meets weekly on a set day. Our Tuesday 3hr program has been running the longest. This program includes an hour of music therapy experiences, craft time, and game time. The participants are like a family and they LOVE when new participants join or when we have visitors. They also actively plan parties for themselves and hold an annual concert at the park in May. The Thursday 2hr program was born out of a need for individuals who are more successful with a little less time. That program rotates weeks between art and games, but always includes music.

Why the program name change?

We have been working with Lifeways Community Mental Health in Jackson, MI to find ways to help fund programs for adults with disabilities in our community. This is specifically when it comes to accessing music therapy or music recreational programming with our company. For years now, we have been able to use respite funds through the State of Michigan as a part of the Campership program in the summer time. This summer only program just opened up to be used year round if the individual requesting the program qualifies for respite funds and adds our community program to their plan of care. We can then work with case managers to request the authorization that will open this program to more friends in our community!

However, “therapy” and “day program” are not words that the State of Michigan allows for “respite” services. It’s always in the details… Because this is a recreational program and always has been, we are adjusting the name so there is no question about using the state funding. These programs are run by board-certified music therapists and portions of this program are dedicated to the benefits of “music therapy” in these groups.

Creative Connections feels like a perfect name to go forward with!

Can WE qualify for this program assistance with Lifeways?

Here are a few steps to take in order to find out if you qualify for this program assistance.

  1. Can this individual be successful without 1:1 paid support in a group setting? (We do not offer 1:1 assists during this program, so they must be independent in this way.)
  2. Does your individual receive services through Lifeways Community Mental Health (or one of the other partnering companies such as Highfields, Recovery Technology, Hope Network, Segue Inc, etc)?
  3. Contact your case manager and ask them to get in touch with Jaime at Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services –
  4. Start to take the steps to add an addendum to the personal care plan for your individuals with their case manager
  5. You will need an authorization for this. To put the authorization in, you must have filled out our enrollment form as that completed form along with our program flier must be turned in along with the authorization by your case manager at the time of request.

If you STILL have questions, contact Jaime at any time. We would LOVE to find a way for you to participate with our program year round!