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Early Childhood Music – Halloween Edition

Early Childhood Music – Halloween Edition

Harmony Garden LOVES Halloween season!

There are so many fun songs specific to Halloween and fall. We are here for them ALL! For some fun music ideas, keep scrolling!

Halloween Fun PROPS with SONG Suggestions:

  • Mini Pumpkins
    • We LOVE to use mini pumpkins to roll around the room, pass around the circle, count, stack, make soup or witches brew, and SO MUCH MORE!
  • Plastic bones
    • We use bones like they are rhythm sticks during the month of October! You can use them to tap together, tap the floor, play like a hammer, and so much more. They are also fun to use with the cauldron for stirring the witches brew!
  • Cauldron
    • Cauldrons are fun to make witches brew in! You can use plastic bugs/frogs or fruit/veggie shakers while creating a silly brew. Or do the whole thing with pretend play items that we add to the brew. Bonus: you can turn it over and play it like a drum with the bones, sticks, or even hands.
  • White Scarves or Kleenex
    • Scarves or Kleenex are great props for being a ghost! Kleenex is fun because it is small and light weight, so when you blow it into the air it can soar pretty far. If you use scarves, the kiddos can also pretend to be ghosts by putting the scarf over their head.
  • Monster Masks or Feet
    • You can make them out of paper or foam – get creative! Other options include small monster finger puppets for the kids to play with.
  • Fake Spiders/Bugs
    • My mom hates spiders! Some kiddos in our classes also don’t love them, so beware when you get them out! The kids can play with the spiders crawling on their body or the floor. Bonus: If you have a large drum (or small) they are very fun to watch jump around on the Remo Floor Tom 0r Remo Gathering Drum!
    • Spider on the Floor – Raffi
    • Itsy Bitsy Spider – Traditional

‘Tis the season for spooktacular music fun! Let us know what other props you like to use that are specific to this Halloween season!

For additional Blog posts on Halloween early childhood material: