Welcome Back, Kara Lewis, MT-BC!

(scroll to the bottom for even more pictures of Kara and Oli!)
Hey everyone, this is Kara here! Jaime asked me to write a blog post updating everyone about how life has been on maternity leave and about how excited I am to be able to return and make music with you all again. I officially return to the office on Monday, June 5th, and I don’t have the words to explain how much I missed seeing you all. I will be returning to Harmony Garden part-time and working two full days on Mondays and Tuesdays. This will be a big change for me since I have been THE full-time music therapist on staff since I was hired on in 2018, but I think part-time will be the perfect balance for me to be able to continue making music with all the beautiful people at Harmony Garden while also getting to raise my equally beautiful daughter, Oleander “Oli” Rose.
For anyone wanting an update on my transition into motherhood, here are the highlights:
- Oli turned three months on May 19th and JUST started fitting into 0-3 month clothing; she also still fits most of her newborn.
- We started her in Harmony Garden Sprouts classes early (5 weeks!) and she has enjoyed every class. She especially loves the rainbow streamers.
- Oli is a music loving baby because she also loves when mama sings her the itsy bitsy spider and tries to sing along – she also LOVES Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (The Brandi version).
- My favorite thing to do with Oli is to go on long walks around the neighborhood and Cascades.
- Oli loves being bounced by her dad and belly laughs every time
- She has just started showing interest in our cats and loves when we help her to pet their fur.
- Fun fact – her godparents are Bekah (yes, the Bekah you all know and love!) and her husband, Scott.
Overall, it has been incredible watching this tiny human grow and develop likes, dislikes, and her own little personality. I am so honored to be her mama and privileged to be able to take this maternity leave to spend time with her.
I also really really missed my Harmony Garden families though: the sprouts families and their kids who now are probably an inch taller, my day program participants who never fail to make me smile and laugh, and all the individuals I have had the pleasure of working with. I can’t wait to get back into the office, dust off my guitar, and to make music with you all again. Enjoy all these photos of Oli – and feel free to ask for more when you see me in person – I am every bit the proud mama.
Lots of love,
Kara Lewis, MT-BC