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Putting Down Roots – An Intern’s Journey (Wk 20)

From Our Music Therapy Intern…

As the clock ticked towards the weekend, I clicked “send” once more.
I exhaled a sigh of relief and closed my laptop.
The ball has officially been nudged and begun to roll.

Years ago, as the Lord placed music therapy on my heart, He placed adoptive families on my heart as well. It has been my dream and life goal, since then, to create a specialized music therapy program for adoptive families. As it turns out, Jaime has challenged me to select a population which currently does not receive music therapy from HGMTS and facilitate a trial run program as a part of my final project. This project has opened the doorway into making my personal dream become reality.

As an adoptive sister, I have a special place in my heart for families like my own. I am very passionate about improving bonding between adopted children and their new family, especially those who have gone through the adoption process within the past few years, as bonding during this stage is especially critical. It is my firm belief that music therapy can be a very beneficial and effective tool in bringing families closer together and providing a safe environment for emotional processing. 

My family did not have the opportunity to participate in group music therapy sessions after each of the three adoptions we went through. Now, as a music therapy intern, I am aware of the value and significance that music therapy could have had for us. It is my desire and goal to be able to bring the joys and blessings of music therapy to families like my own.

Two weeks ago I gave a presentation to the women of HGMTS on the potential benefits of this hypothetical new music therapy program for adoptive families. I was given the green light to pursue this program with full steam ahead. This past week I comprised a first contact email, created a list of adoption resource agency contacts, and began reaching out to each and every name on my list. Before I could even send the emails to everyone on my list, I was already getting notifications of responses in my inbox!

Coincidentally enough, Gull Lake Ministries (where my husband works full time, and where we live) hosted a large conference this weekend specifically for adoptive moms. As over 300 midwest adoptive mothers mingled on campus, my gears were turning…What if? What if this project launches and takes off with great momentum? What if HGMTS could participate in this adoptive moms conference next year, and bring music therapy to hundreds of other adoptive families? What if, one year from now, I could present my then proven program to these women? What if music therapy changes the lives of adoptive families?

I have a very bad habit of focusing too much on the future. Plans, goals, expectations. As for now, I need to focus on the messages in my inbox and the first steps towards a brand new season in my career as a future music therapist. I am experiencing such a new sense of excitement and intimidation as I am now confronted face-to-face with the future and how I want to approach it. I am now being given an opportunity to begin incorporating my personal experiences and passions into my work in music therapy. I am now taking charge of my personal impact through music therapy.

I cannot wait to check my email on Monday morning! The rest will fall into place…with hard work and guidance from the Lord, of course!

(Included below are more pictures from the adoptive moms conference at Gull Lake Ministries.)

Hannah Avery is our very first Music Therapy Intern here at Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services.
Stay tuned for her blog posts as she goes (and grows) through her music therapy internship.