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Happy Halloween! Songs And Music Fun!

Happy Halloween! Songs And Music Fun!

Today is Halloween! I have little ones, so we have been preparing costumes, talking about trick-or-treating, and have the house decorated inside and out with spiderwebs, skeletons, pumpkins, and ghosts!

Halloween music experiences are some of my favorite! I always look forward to this time of year, because the music is so fun and I love sharing it with the little ones in my Sprouts classes. Wanting some ideas, possibly for today, or possibly for next year… Keep reading!

1. Mini Pumpkins – Purchase some and use them with the little ones! Roll them around the room with the kids. Sing my adapted song “Pumpkins Roll Around.” Sing 5 Little Pumpkins. The last line in this song is “…the five little pumpkins roll out of sight.” This leaves a perfect transition back into rolling the pumpkins!

2. A Cauldron – Purchase a plastic witches cauldron! Make spooky soup asking the little ones for ideas. Spiderwebs, gummy worms, slime, mud, bugs, etc can be chopped up and stirred with lummi sticks or boomwhackers.

Chop, chop, chippity chop
Chop off the bottom, and chop off the top
What you have left, you put in your pot
Chop, chop, chippity chop!
– unknown

3. Halloween Themed Beanie Babies – Ghosts, Frankenstein, Pumpkins, Bats, Spiders, etc in beanie baby form! I wrote the song “Where Oh Where” which uses scarves and the element of surprise and anticipatory music/lyric cues leading up to the surprise “BOO!” It has been a hit in many classes this session!

4. Kleenex Ghosts – Little ones love throwing, blowing, dropping, and occasionally tearing up little kleenex ghosts! The song “Little Ghosty,”is at the end of the “Where Oh Where” video.

Little ghosty, little ghosty, flying so high
Little ghosty, little ghost, please come say hi
– unknown

5. Lollipop Drums – Have you heard the song, “I Want Candy!?” It’s fun, but some of the versions aren’t very polite mannered…I like to sing it myself and use the lollipop drums to sing “I Like Candy” instead and then allow each child to share a favorite candy or food that we sing about for their verse. They can play the drums in their own hands, or carry one around the room and have the children share it. I wrote the “Lydian Lollipop” a few months back, but haven’t shared it yet. When I do, I will link it here!

November 1st will be here soon and the cauldron and props will be put away for another year. But…

Until then…