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Putting Down Roots – An Intern’s Journey (Week 14)

From our Music Therapy Intern…

I flicked off the lights, closed the door behind me, and turned the key; taking in one last glimpse of the office space that ushered me into the world of internship and professional music therapy.

This week was moving week. We tiptoed around stacks of cardboard boxes, filled to the brims with the odds and ends that make up a music therapy studio. A box of lollipop drums, a bag of kazoos, a stack of movie-based sheet music books, a suitcase of canary sticks and baby castanets. Sound and music bounced off the bare walls and echoed all around. Clients took pictures of their last moments in the treatment room. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation. History was made this week!

I am honored to be a part of this moving process. As the current intern, I will always be able to look back and brag about my unique internship experience. I believe that Harmony Garden is a booming business which will only grow and succeed exponentially with time, and I cannot wait to see how this location upgrade will positively impact its trajectory.


I have been amazed by the amount of detail work that Jaime has been covering over the last few months. I have overheard phone calls with insurance agencies for glass protection (as our new office space has large glass windows), conversations with plumbers about ventilation for the bathroom sink, and all of the other miscellaneous logistics involved in uprooting and replanting a business. I am beyond impressed by her ability to juggle everything on her plate right now, all while smiling and laughing at her own chaotic situation.

Owning a business appears to be just as intense and involved as having a baby. There are risks, rewards, uncertainty, excitement, sleepless nights, urgent issues, and memorable milestones. This move to W Franklin has felt like the event of the century, and I can’t wait to see how we fill the space with new sounds and experiences.

Next week I, along with all the other women of HGMTS, will be spending a good portion of the week helping to get the new office space arranged and ready for business. Harmony Garden is scheduled to be closed down for all in-house sessions for the entirety of the week, but us employees (and intern) will be busybodying away inside! We will unpack, settle in, decorate, and add any finishing touches before the clients will get their first tour. I am really looking forward to the time I’ll get to spend with the other music therapists in the new space next week, working together and daydreaming of the musical miracles to come!

Hannah Avery is our very first Music Therapy Intern here at Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services. Stay tuned for her blog posts as she goes (and grows) through her music therapy internship.