Donate to Our Music Therapy Scholarship Fund
We have a music therapy intern who is finishing up her degree required time with us. She saw some clients at Harmony Garden who received her services for free. On the dollar of the owner, Jaime.
These clients were hand picked because of the way music therapy works for them…
The way music therapy opens their hearts, minds, and lives.
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These clients can’t afford services, yet are on the mind of the owners all the time. They live on fixed incomes. They are adults with disabilities with no income and no parents as guardians. They are children of families with multiple children with multiple needs. What they have in common though, is that they get more out of music therapy than any other experience in their lives. This is not an exaggeration. If you could ask their parents, they would tell you how music therapy showed more growth than any other therapy for their child. They would tell you that they see their adult child smile more in music therapy, than anywhere else in their lives. They would tell you that the sounds of joy that come out of the individuals in music therapy, are sounds they hear no where else.These are the families who receive assistance through Scholarships with Harmony Garden.
We desperately want to continue providing music therapy for these individuals, but Jaime can’t be the one who gives it all away. Currently, Harmony Garden gives away just under $2000 of music therapy a month. This isn’t going to sustain music therapy in Jackson, MI. We wish it could, but it can’t continue long term.Please consider helping donate to our scholarship fund. We PROMISE the smiles, growth, development, and singing that come from this money, is well worth it!
Click here to donate through our Patreon account!