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Music Therapists and Infection Control Competencies

Music Therapists and Infection Control Competencies

To become a music therapist, it takes four years of undergraduate work in an approved Music Therapy program, a 6-month internship, and passing a board-certification exam. Did you know that in the certification exam, we have to pass infection control competencies? That means that year-round (not just when flu season hits or COVID-19 airs on the news), we are trained in how to prioritize our client’s health through infection control.

Due to our therapists working with populations who may be at increased risk (the young, the elderly, medically compromised individuals, etc.), we take our sanitization protocols very seriously. Many of our staff at Harmony Garden have even trained in medical settings with extremely strict infection control protocols due to immunocompromised patients. We also consider it an ethical obligation to stay home when sick.

Here are just a few ways we make sure we’re keeping you and your loved ones safe and healthy:

  • Disinfecting all instruments/props/toys between each use
  • Limiting the use of instruments that may be harder to clean
  • Washing our scarves/stuffed animals frequently to completely disinfect them
  • Employees at Harmony Garden wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer at the beginning and end of each session

We at Harmony Garden value your support and want to ensure that you know that we prioritize your health at all times. We are following the news about COVID-19 in the U.S. and are making sure to enforce our infection control policies as well as implementing extra protocols as necessary to keep in compliance with the CDC and the American Music Therapy Association’s suggestions.