Make Music with us OUTSIDE at Cascades this Summer!

Make Music with us OUTSIDE at Cascades!

We are missing our Harmony Garden families SO MUCH these days and hope that you are all safe and enjoying the summer! Next week is the last week of our Livestream music classes, which we have been doing for 43,215 weeks now… Ok, I joke, but it certainly feels like its been that long!!

We are ready for something NEW, which brings me to the main reason I’m emailing you. We have decided to schedule a few free music groups outside at Cascades in Jackson, MI. Here are the details:

Socially Distanced OUTDOOR MUSIC with Harmony Garden!


Tuesday, July 28th
Tuesday, August 4th
Tuesday, August 18th




Cascades Rotary Bandshell (north side near the water fountain)


These events are geared toward children, but we believe ALL AGES will benefit, so this is open to ALL HARMONY GARDEN FAMILIES and FRIENDS!

FREE – Donations welcome!
Harmony Garden needs help covering operating costs these days, while we are still unable to access 70% of our facilities and billable income. Thanks for any help!



1. THESE ARE SOCIALLY DISTANCED OUTDOOR EVENTS. Please bring your own blankets and chairs to set yourself up on the lawn/hill. Families may sit together, but please DO NOT allow your children to run free or encroach in other people’s spaces. If you are sitting with another family, we will assume that is a choice your families have made together and we will not ask questions.

2. Masks are not required in outdoor spaces where we can be 6ft or more apart. Please BRING MASKS in order to be safe if you plan to move around outside or talk to other families. Masks are NOT REQUIRED otherwise.

3. Please feel free to bring your own instruments if you want to play along! We will NOT be sharing or passing out any instruments at this event due to COVID-19. But, if YOU have your own shakers, sticks, drums, etc and you want to bring them, please do!! Just do NOT share with other families or children.

4. STAY HOME IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO HAS COVID-19, IF YOU HAVE BEEN TESTED AND ARE WAITING ON RESULTS, OR IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS (fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, lost of taste or smell).

5. Please follow the above rules, so that Harmony Garden doesn’t get in trouble and we are able to continue using this free outdoor space!