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Favorite Songs: Hymns

Favorite Songs: Hymns

While my hospice patients love their fair share of Rock-n-Roll, R&B, Soul, Country, Jazz, Oldies, Broadway, and Pop (yes, even current pop), I can’t deny that many of my patients loooove a good ol’ gospel hymn. 

Here’s a list of well-loved hospice church songs that you may remember (in no particular order). 

Follow our “Hymns and Church Songs” playlist to sing along (lyrics provided!) and share them with your family and friends!

  1. Amazing Grace 
  2. The Old Rugged Cross 
  3. This Little Light of Mine
  4. Great is Thy Faithfulness
  5. How Great Thou Art
  6. Doxology
  7. Just a Closer Walk With Thee 
  8. In the Garden (I come to the Garden alone)
  9. Eagles Wings 
  10. Because He Lives

Did your favorite make the list? If not, send us a message!