Accepted Insurances

Did you know that Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services may be covered under two different
waivers and one insurance? Here’s more information on them:
SED Waiver: Music therapy is approved under the “Activity Therapies” category for SED Waiver. Due to
this, music therapy may be used in addition to the traditional professional therapy services. Services
must be directly related to an identified goal in the individual plan of service and approved by the
physician. Service providers must meet the CMHSP provider qualifications, including appropriate
Children’s Medicaid Waiver: Music therapy falls under the “Specialty Services” category of Medicaid.
Music therapy may be used in addition to the traditional professional therapy model included in the
Children’s Medicaid Waiver. Services must be directly related to an identified goal in the individual plan
of service and approved by the physician. Service providers must meet the CMHSP provider
qualifications, including appropriate licensure/certification. Services are limited to four sessions per
therapy per month.
Auto Insurance for TBI: If you or a client are currently receiving payments from your auto insurance for
TBI, Harmony Garden may bill your auto insurance directly to receive coverage for services as long as
music therapy is approved and prescribed by a physician.